Nail Tops is the premier destination for nail services in the heart of Las Vegas, NV 89104. Come to our nail salon and enjoy the comfortable relaxing moments.
Our goal is to pamper all the ladies with unique manicures and pedicures that will leave your nails looking elegant and make you feel rejuvenated. Come to visit us, you can enjoy a full range of nail care and spa services with the highest quality of work and standards. Our trained staff will pamper you and make your hands, feet, and nails look their best.
Besides, understanding that sanitary and safety are clients’ top concerns, we try our best to guarantee clients’ health. Our implements, equipment, and electrical instruments are always thoroughly cleaned and subjected to an approved sanitizing and disinfecting process before being reused. Buffers and files are used only once, and then discarded. All pedicure procedures are performed with liner protection.
Come to us and enjoy the best moment at Nail Tops! Let us be your first choice!